This involves the physical search, removal and relocation of animal (faunal) species of special concern, this includes protected vertebrates, invertebrates etc which are protected under the Nature Conservation Ordinance 19 of 1974, NEMBA (TOPS) etc. This is conducted before the land/vegetation is cleared to give way to development. It falls under the conditions set out in an Environmental Authorization. Search and rescue permits are also attained for this process.
This involves the physical search, removal and relocation of plant species of special concern, this includes protected plants, plants of medicinal interest etc. This is conducted before the land/vegetation is cleared to give way to development. It falls under the conditions set out in an Environmental Authorization. Search and rescue permits are also attained for this process.
Permits which need to be obtained in terms of certain activities e.g:
Permit to cultivate virgin land (Department of Agriculture)
Permit to destroy/prune/remove protected trees (Department of Forestry)
Search and Rescue permits
An Environmental Control Officer is a person who is appointed by the client to perform environmental auditing on a development. This is usually in accordance with an Environmental Authorization. Audits can be monthly, Termly, Bi-Annual.
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